Making our values count

We look at how member firms in Croatia and Ecuador have embraced the UHY brand.


Discussions about brand often centre around logos and straplines, and while these elements are an integral part of a brand, they are not the whole thing. Instead, think of brand as the promise we make to our clients and customers – now it can be understood more as ‘delivering what we say we will deliver.’

For example, UHY member firms in the UK and the US have Helping you Prosper (UHY Hacker Young, UK) and The Next Level of Service (UHY LLP and UHY Advisors, US).



For many member firms, simply using the UHY prefix sets them apart as a business embracing an international mindset with expertise in working with colleagues cross-border to deliver for overseas clients. It also
serves to grow awareness of the UHY brand around the world. Some member firms embrace the UHY brand in other ways. Here are two excellent examples:

🇭🇷 In Croatia, independent UHY member firms are grouped together in a ‘network within a network’ as UHY in Croatia (UHYIC) which comprises not only the accounting firms UHY HB EKONOM and UHY RUDAN, but also the group’s tax advisory, consulting and training businesses. Under the banner Globally Recognised Partner, on its website, the Croatia family of firms welcomes visitors ‘to the UHY world’.

The group’s founder and director Helena Budiša (pictured left) places considerable emphasis on the UHY brand in her social media content (particularly LinkedIn) and on the firm’s website, and the network is prominently featured on UHYIC’s social networks. “We have long recognised the benefits of global cooperation and our UHY membership gives us additional opportunities to progress,” says Helena. “That is why our connection to UHY is front and centre of all our media and output.” 


🇪🇨 In Ecuador, UHY Assurance & Services Cia. Ltda., is another member firm with strong brand awareness which uses a range of social media channels to share content. As well as placing a high value on promoting UHY’s international credentials, the firm’s managing partner, Freddy Cevallos Bustamante, (pictured right) is a strong advocate of delivering powerful content.


Together with the firm’s international relations officer Juan José Cevallos, (below left), who manages the firm’s social media operations, Freddy makes extensive use of video – via TikTok – to communicate with CEOs and business leaders and the firm is a significant UHY brand ambassador within the LATAM region.

“Being part of UHY gives us access to new opportunities, sectors, jurisdictions and markets which are powerful advantages,” says Freddy.

“Alongside that is an additional opportunity to amplify our message because of the association with a global, trusted brand. That association has the potential to enhance our reputation.”